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The 5 Best Ways to Beat Seasonal Depression without Medication

Updated: Sep 13, 2020

The 5 best ways to beat seasonal depression without medication

Seasonal depression sucks, just as much as any form of depression or mental illness does. Winter and fall are my two favorite seasons, yet they’re the ones that I always get the most depressed in. Actually, my seasonal depression just started kicking in and it was so bad this time, that I didn’t get out of bed for three whole days.

mental health journal prompts for depression

If you are someone who has depression or any other form of mental illness, you probably understand that you can’t just ‘be happier’ because it isn’t ‘all just in your head’. My name is Alizabeth Swain and I’m a beauty, fashion, and lifestyle blogger over at While I use my social media reach to spread body positivity and beauty tips, I’m also working on ending the stigma against mental health. You should check out my Instagram if you’re in the need of some positive vibes! Mental illnesses aren’t fun and as someone who has five different mental illnesses, I also know that taking medication SUCKS. That’s why I wanted to share these five best ways to beat seasonal depression without taking medication. I hope they help you!


1. Aromatherapy

The essential oils that are found when using aromatherapy can help to influence the part of your brain that is responsible for mood to help you to relax. You can add a few drops of essential oils to your bath to help you relax before heading off to bed. Doctors always say that it’s impossible to fight depression with poor sleep, so getting a good night’s sleep is the best way to start fighting your SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)!

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seasonal affective disorder treatment

2. Open up your windows

Letting sunshine into your life literally help transform your seasonal depression. Get outside as much as you possibly can throughout the day, keep your blinds open when you’re inside, and be in bright environments as much as you possibly can!

3. Introduce more Vitamin D

Eat foods that are rich in Vitamin D. Low levels of Vitamin D are associated with seasonal depressive disorder. Start eating foods that are rich in Vitamin D like salmon, egg yolks, yogurt, milk, fish, and oranges!

4. Get busy

Don’t let SAD bully you! Before the fall and winter seasons roll around, start making plans for yourself to do during the months that affect you. I make a list of craft projects I want to film on my YouTube channel, dinner and movie dates with family and friends, cleaning projects, home improvement, new exercise routines I want to try. Literally, my fall and winter months are the busiest time of year for me because that’s when I know I’ll be the saddest. Instead of letting SAD win, I choose to make myself busy so I don’t have time to sulk.

5. Exercise!

I know, this may be the least exciting option to you. But seriously, people with mental illnesses literally have so much to benefit from with exercise. Exercise releases endorphins, which makes you feel good! The more exercise, the more energy you will have, which makes you more inclined to get out of bed! Listen to some upbeat music while doing your exercise, even if it’s just a light walking, and you’ll feel much better than you did when you started out!

I hope these tips help you. If you’re feeling like you really can’t handle anything, try speaking with a mental health professional. Remember, no matter how big your battle may seem to you, you aren’t facing it alone!




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